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22.4.8 Edebug Views

The following Edebug commands let you view aspects of the buffer and window status that obtained before entry to Edebug.


View the outside window configuration (edebug-view-outside).


Temporarily display the outside current buffer with point at its outside position (edebug-bounce-point). If prefix arg is supplied, sit for that many seconds instead.


Move point back to the current stop point (edebug-where) in the source code buffer. Also, if you use this command in another window displaying the same buffer, this window will be used instead to display the buffer in the future.


Toggle the edebug-save-windows variable which indicates whether the outside window configuration is saved and restored (edebug-toggle-save-windows). Also, each time it is toggled on, make the outside window configuration the same as the current window configuration.

With a prefix argument, edebug-toggle-save-windows only toggles saving and restoring of the selected window. To specify a window that is not displaying the source code buffer, you must use C-xXW from the global keymap.

You can view the outside window configuration with v or just bounce to the current point in the current buffer with p, even if it is not normally displayed. After moving point, you may wish to pop back to the stop point with w from a source code buffer.

By using W twice, Edebug again saves and restores the outside window configuration, but to the current configuration. This is a convenient way to, for example, add another buffer to be displayed whenever Edebug is active. However, the automatic redisplay of ‘*edebug*’ and ‘*edebug-trace*’ may conflict with the buffers you wish to see unless you have enough windows open.

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