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66.2.3 Charset Property Functions

All of these functions accept either a charset name or charset object.

Function: charset-property charset prop

This function returns property prop of charset. See Charset Properties.

Convenience functions are also provided for retrieving individual properties of a charset.

Function: charset-name charset

This function returns the name of charset. This will be a symbol.

Function: charset-description charset

This function returns the documentation string of charset.

Function: charset-registry charset

This function returns the registry of charset.

Function: charset-dimension charset

This function returns the dimension of charset.

Function: charset-chars charset

This function returns the number of characters per dimension of charset.

Function: charset-width charset

This function returns the number of display columns per character (in TTY mode) of charset.

Function: charset-direction charset

This function returns the display direction of charset—either l2r or r2l.

Function: charset-iso-final-char charset

This function returns the final byte of the ISO 2022 escape sequence designating charset.

Function: charset-iso-graphic-plane charset

This function returns either 0 or 1, depending on whether the position codes of characters in charset map to the left or right half of their font, respectively.

Function: charset-ccl-program charset

This function returns the CCL program, if any, for converting position codes of characters in charset into font indices.

The two properties of a charset that can currently be set after the charset has been created are the CCL program and the font registry.

Function: set-charset-ccl-program charset ccl-program

This function sets the ccl-program property of charset to ccl-program.

Function: set-charset-registry charset registry

This function sets the registry property of charset to registry.

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