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26.12 CONX

Besides producing a file of scrambled text with Dissociated Press, you can generate random sentences by using CONX.

M-x conx

Generate random sentences in the *conx* buffer.

M-x conx-buffer

Absorb the text in the current buffer into the conx database.

M-x conx-init

Forget the current word-frequency tree.

M-x conx-load

Load a conx database that has been previously saved with M-x conx-save.

M-x conx-region

Absorb the text in the current buffer into the conx database.

M-x conx-save

Save the current conx database to a file for future retrieval.

Copy text from a buffer using M-x conx-buffer or M-x conx-region and then type M-x conx. Output is continuously generated until you type ^G. You can save the conx database to a file with M-x conx-save, which you can retrieve with M-x conx-load. To clear the database, use M-x conx-init.