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Steve Youngs
(aka JackaLX)

JackaLX View Steve Youngs' profile on LinkedIn

Obligatory Bio…

Aren't these little bio's, that everyone expects you to do, a right royal PITA? If you maintain any kind of presence on the internet, (and lets face it, in this day and age who doesn't) you find yourself writing dozens of these silly things. Well I've resisted doing this one for almost 4 years, so I better put something here. All I gotta do now is think of something to write that isn't already on a thousand sites all over the bloody 'net…

So who is this Steve Youngs bastard?

I'm a 40-something, 1st generation Aussie. I have 3 gorgeous kids. The eldest, from a previous marriage, lives with her Mum, so I have 2 with me. I'm currently a full-time stay-at-home Dad. The pay is pretty shit, but the benefits make up for the $0.00 income. :-) Oh, if you're wondering how I survive… very careful budgeting of my wife's income. BTW, you did see that donation button on the left there, didn't you? :-)

What turns me on…

Don't panic, I'm not going to talk about what you're thinking. I'm going to talk about general, <G> rated interests. What interests me? Hmm, lemme think…

What turns me off…

Who inspires me…

Hmm, this could be a very long section, so I'll just give you the abbridged version…

What I do here at the SXEmacs Project…

Erm, in case you hadn't yet figured it out all on your lonesome, I'm the project's maintainer.

Have fun with it, and drop me a line any time.